It is not often that a bar turns my head to such a degree that I am left bruised, but that is exactly what happened at Muscle Girl Bar in Tokyo, a place that is now frankly infamous for me.
This all occurred on the very first night of my rather special Extremes of Japan Tour in downtown Tokyo.
What the Extremes of Japan?
Having always wanted to visit and thinking it was ripe for my kind of tourism I decided to combine the two. This led to me designing an itinerary that included Fukushima, as well as “my” itinerary.
Said Street Food Guy itinerary was to include much weird food, such as raw chicken, scuzzy things like a porn cinema and of course great, but slightly weird bars. In this case the Muscle Girl Bar was the weirdest of the weird….

What the Muscle Girl Bar?
Located in Toshima City this is really one of the places to be in Tokyo. This is the place you will find many pretty ladies trying to drag you into hostess bars, usually while dressed in anime clothes. This also means there are lots of bars here, with it being a 30 minute, or so connection to Akasaka.
The bar itself, which was founded in 2020 by former fitness “influencer” Hard after their gym was closed due to Covid. This proved to be a genius move as the bar is now a very popular institution.
And of course the biggest reason for its fame and success is the staff.

Tee Muscle Girls at Muscle Girls Bar
On our visit there were at least 10 girls of different nationalities and indeed different sizes working at the bar, all of whom were very pretty. Beauty though was not the only deciding factor, with there also being strength indicators.
This included Andy our petite server who will stronger than she looked was not packing much of a punch. This tough went up in a staggered way with the big Brazilian who eventually slapped me packing a real punch.
The Muscle Girls were also really nice and had a cracking attitude, in fact so much so that one of the guys we were with managed to take one home. I personally am not confident dating a women who might kick the shit out of me.
The Muscle Girls “show”
So in essence this is for the most part not a bar, but the first show of sorts happens half way through your slot when the girls start flexing muscles and dancing to music. All fairly standard so far, at lease for such an establishment, but it is after this that you get quite a treat.

Essentially there is a poll in the middle of the room and some substitutes get brought in to do poll dancing, and they do it really really well. Although with that being said it does lack some eroticism.
After that it is the final furlong on the bar and indeed getting beaten element of the bar.
Getting beaten at Muscle Girl Bar
As well as the drinks menu there is a whole other menu at Muscle Girl Bar which lists the things that the ladies can do to you. This includes all manor of things from getting kicked in the butt, having a whole pole dance to your face, being slapped, or getting a whole heap of them to slap you.
You do this by buying Muscle Dollars, with most punishment coming in at 1000 Yen, or $6. I got proceedings started by getting one of our guys slapped in the face, although if I am honest it was nowhere near as strong as had wanted it to be.
When it came to my slap though my “friend” decided to pick the big muscle bound Brazilian girl who smacked so hard I got a very red face and a bit of a block eye.
Most interesting though was when they pit organs juice through my hair, smashed it on my face and then drained it into a glass. Fair play to the Japanese girl with us who drank it, but to be fair it is nowhere as bad as bukkake (I assume).
How much does Muscle Girl Bar Cost?
Technically it is “free”, but in actuality you pay 5000 yen which is about $33 for unlimited drinks. The reality is you are paying for the show and the bartenders and waiters are not there to serve the very watered down drinks.
This though takes zero away from what you actually get, which is a truly Japanese once in a lifetime experience. And yes it now makes my top 10 bars of all time list.

Muscle Girl Bar Address;
Muscle Girl Bar
2 Chome 41-2
Hayama Boulevard
Toshima City
171-0014 Tokyo
Pretty easy to find, although you should note it is on the basement and that the doors remained closed and locked during a performance.